February is National Children’s Dental Health Month

The San Fernando Valley Dental Society is proud to participate in the “Give Kids a Smile” program.

Take your child (up to age 13) for a free oral health screening!


If you would like to attend any GKAS event please call Bella at the SFVDS Office (818) 576-0116


GKAS Locations 2018


Give Kids a Smile

This program is part of the American Dental Association’s national program to help identify and treat the dental needs of low income and underserved children through the age of 18.  Our dentists screen and treat more than 3,000 pre-school and elementary school children every year.  This program provides a basic oral health education and screening that seeks to quickly identify if a child needs follow-up care, or if their teeth and mouths look healthy. Healthy teeth are then given a fluoride varnish treatment to help keep them free of cavities.  Children needing additional dental care (about 40% of the children seen) are referred to still other San Fernando Valley Dental Society member volunteer dentists for the recommended treatment and further follow-up.  The program’s principal activities take place during the month of February each year, which has also been designated as National Children’s Dental Health month. To find out more about our ‘Give Kids a Smile’ program, please Contact Us, Volunteer, or Donate (click button at bottom of the page).


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Thank You!